Jessika Klide is my pen name. 

As a former Northwest Florida girl living in LA —Lower Alabama, anonymity was key…in the beginning. But with success comes acceptance, and having laid claim to many bestseller tags in numerous categories since my debut erotic novel was published in 2014, reaching as high as #4 in the Kindle store, it’s no longer a big deal. 

My name is Cindee Bartholomew. I married my high school sweetheart, followed him to Germany with the Army, traveled Europe, and returned to Alabama to start a family. As a former military spouse, my male characters are often military men. I write sassy, spunky women who don’t need a man but who come to understand that soulmates are real and destiny won’t be denied. I strive to bring readers the perfect blend of heat, humor, and heart. 

I also write as Stingray23 (a pen name my husband chose): Spicy military romantic suspense. 

And Cindee Bartholomew (my real name) has an alternate plot version (without The Cocktal Party) of Siri and Aurei’s story. The titles are Deceit and Truth.